a history of the english speaking peoples bahasa Inggris
- cina-english: chinese-english
- english bazar: malda, west bengal
- english carrier: english carrier pigeon
- english hippocrates: sydenham; thomas sydenham; english hippocrates
- not english-inline: not english inline
- uw-english: uw-notenglishtalk
- history (jurnal): history: the journal of the historical association
- history of anatolia: history of turkey timeline
- cagar alam two peoples bay: two peoples bay nature reserve
- region southern nations, nationalities, and peoples': southern nations, nationalities, and peoples' region
- bahasa cina dan english: chinese and english
- bantuan:ipa|english: ipa|english
- english and british monarchs: english monarchs
- english statistics year: united kingdom statistics year
- johnny english (serial film): johnny english (franchise)
- A History of the English-Speaking Peoples is a four-volume history of Britain and its former colonies and possessions throughout the world, written by Winston Churchill, covering the period from Caesar's invasions of Britain (55 BC) to the beginning of the First World War (1914).
A History of the English Speaking Peoples merupakan sebuah buku sejarah yang terdiri dari 4 jilid yang berisi tentang sejarah Britania Raya dan negara-negara lain yang menuturkan bahasa Inggris dari masa invasi Caesar ke Britania (55 SM) hingga permulaan Perang Dunia I (1914).